EMHD Episode 4: A Better Story Makes a Better Dog #humanmind canine dogs Sep 20, 2022

Do you have limiting beliefs about yourself?

Maybe you think that you’re lacking in confidence, that you’ll never have money, that your best days are behind you, or some other belief that prevents you from living life to the fullest. You may also have limiting beliefs that...

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EMHD Episode 3: 3 Easy Ways to Help Your Dog Feel Better Right Now Sep 12, 2022

In this episode, you’ll learn three simple things that can help your dog feel better right away. All three things are easy to fit into your day, no matter how busy you are.

These non-habitual movements can improve your dog’s body awareness, which may enhance mobility,...

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A Horsewoman's Remarkable Recovery From Torn Knee Ligaments #humanmovement acl injury feldenkrais feldenkrais method knees nervous system Sep 09, 2022

“After recovering from four severed ligaments in my knee and my fibula broken in three places after being dragged by a horse, I was walking, but limping and in pain daily. My pain would rotate from my knee, to my lower leg, then alternate feet. This went on for months and I wondered how to...

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EMHH Episode 30: Why Your Horse Cares How You Dress Sep 08, 2022

Let me start by putting your mind at ease. This isn’t about the KIND of clothes you wear. It’s literally about HOW you dress. How you put your clothes on. And take them off.

You’ll learn how putting on your shirt or jacket the same way over and over can create an...

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EMHD Episode 2: How Optimism Can Heal Your Dog Sep 06, 2022

Would you like your dog to heal from physical or behavioral issues? In this episode, you’ll learn how shifting your focus AWAY from the problem can help you make better choices to help your dog recover.

And you’ll hear about dogs who, against all odds, overcame serious...

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EMHH Episode 29: How Relaxation Creates Healthy Movement in You and Your Horse Sep 01, 2022

Want to get rid of a common cause of stiffness, soreness and fatigue? In this episode, you’ll learn a NEW way to use relaxation to improve suppleness, generate more power and enhance well-being. And this works for you and your horse!

It's likely that you and your horse have...

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EMHH Episode 28: Change Yourself, Change Your Horse Aug 25, 2022

What do you do when your horse feels stiff, resistant, or “lazy?” Do you use stronger leg or rein aids? Maybe add a touch of spur or a tap with the whip? In other words, do you simply make your request LOUDER?

If you do, I’d like to offer you another option. One that...

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EMHH Episode 27: What Do You Feel When You Touch Your Horse? Aug 17, 2022

What do you feel when you touch your horse?

Maybe you notice that your horse is itchy. Or that a certain spot is tight or sore.

These observations, while important, only tell a very small part of your horse’s story.

Would you like to learn a lot...

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EMHD Episode 1: Reduce Canine Mobility Problems Aug 02, 2022

Do you have a senior dog? Or, do you want to reduce your young dog’s risk of injury? In any case, I’m sure you want to keep your dog active and happy for as long as possible.

If you’d like to learn simple steps to reduce your dog’s chances of having a...

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EMHH Episode 26: Get Rid of Limiting Beliefs Jul 28, 2022

Do you ever hear yourself saying things like,

“ I ’ m an anxious person. ”

“ I ’ m not confident. ”

“ I’m stiff and uncoordinated . ”

“ I’m a procrastinator . ”


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EMHH Episode 25: How to Communicate with Your Horse emhh horsepodcast Jul 21, 2022

Do you wish your horse listened to you better?

Do you want to stop pushing and pulling on your horse?

Do you want to know what your horse is feeling and thinking?

Do you want to be able to influence your horse in a gentle,...

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EMHH Episode 24: Are You Designing Your Future? Or Recreating Your Past? Apr 28, 2022

You make decisions all day long. From what to wear, what to eat, what to think, what to do with your horse, those are all decisions. Most of your decisions are unconscious. They happen automatically, without thought.

Each decision you make helps shape your life.

If you’re like...

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