Help Your Dog Heal by Integrating Debono Moves with Veterinary Care #22 #canine #debono moves acl injury aging canine arthritis canine back pain canine injury canine knee injury May 28, 2024

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Want to help your dog reduce the effects of aging, anxiety or arthritis? Or heal fully from an injury or surgery?

Debono Moves, a hands-on approach that uses gentle contact and movements,  can help dogs...

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An Easy Way to Improve Your Dog's Well-Being and Deepen Your Bond #21 #canine #debono moves body awareness scan May 21, 2024

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Discover a simple, powerful hands-on technique to help your dog in body and mind while strengthening your bond.  The technique involves a gentle scan of the dog's body, stimulating specific receptors that...

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Is Your Anxiety Making Your Dog Reactive? #20 #canine #humanmind anxiety canine connection stress stress reduction stress relief May 14, 2024

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Feeling stressed on walks because your dog reacts to things like bikes, skateboards or other dogs? You're not alone!  Discover how your anxiety can affect your dog's behavior.

Learn innovative ways to stay...

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Helping Your Dog Enjoy Having Their Paws Touched #19 #canine #debono moves May 06, 2024

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- In this episode, learn tips on making dogs comfortable with paw handling

- With your dog relaxed, begin by incidentally touching a paw with something like your leg or something else that’s not your hand...

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"Untrainable" Dog or Unwilling Human? #18 #canine canine connection Apr 29, 2024

Kristi Noem, the governor of South Dakota, admitted (bragged?)in her book to shooting her young dog Cricket, a 14-month-old wire-haired pointer pup, in the face and killing her. She also wrote that she killed her unnamed, uncastrated goat the same day, in the same gravel pit. 


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Working with Dogs Who Dislike Being Touched #17 #canine #debono moves anxious canine behavior Apr 22, 2024

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Learn strategies for working with touch-averse dogs through heartwarming stories of transformation.

From an Akita's orthopedic challenges to a senior dog's mobility struggles, discover non-confrontational...

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Are You Addicted to Stressing About Your Dog? #16 #brain training #canine #humanmind canine connection Apr 16, 2024

Stressing is often a habit. A bad one! Training the brain to focus on what's going well can break the habit of constantly finding what's wrong.

Your brain can be trained to focus on the positive, leading to more positive experiences in life. This mindset shift can create a richer, more...

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The Invisible Link: How Human Well-Being Affects Canine Health #15 #canine #debono moves canine connection Apr 08, 2024

Want to learn more? Get my FREE video training by clicking this link.

Key Takeaways from this episode:

- There's often a correlation between physical issues in dogs and their human owners

- Addressing both the human and the dog is important for resolving issues


- Humans'...

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Inviting the Healer Within: Empowering Pets and Their People #14 #canine #debono moves Apr 01, 2024

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In this short episode, you'll be introduced to the inner healer. You have one and so does your dog. You'll learn about the role of the nervous system and the importance of collaboration between dogs and their...

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De-Stress in Minutes: How You and Your Dog Can Relax and Connect Using This Simple Breathing Technique #13 #canine #debono moves anxiety canine connection connected breathing stress Mar 26, 2024

Want to learn more? Get my FREE video training by clicking this link.

In addition to deepening your bond, Connected Breathing may help anxious or reactive dogs recognize a state of calmness and safety. And help them return to this state more easily. It can do the same for you...

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Anxious or Fearful Dog? This Simple Approach Can Help #12 #canine #debono moves anxiety canine connection fear stress relief Mar 19, 2024

Want to learn more? Get my FREE video training by clicking this link.

Have a dog who cowers around strangers? Or who gets nervous on car rides or on walks? Do you feel your dog is often nervous, anxious or fearful?  

In this episode, you'll learn about:

  • Ways to help...
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Why Focusing on Possibilities, Not Problems, Can Help Your Dog #11 #canine #debono moves canine mobility Mar 13, 2024

Want to learn more? Get my FREE video training by clicking this link.

  • Learn how you can improve a dog's quality of life despite health issues
  • Stories shared about dogs with degenerative myelopathy and hip dysplasia
  • Focus on expanding possibilities and thinking creatively
  • ...
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