Reawakening Movement: A Breakthrough in Canine Arthritis #47

#canine #debono moves canine arthritis canine back pain canine back stiffness spinal arthritis Dec 02, 2024
Mary Debono
Reawakening Movement: A Breakthrough in Canine Arthritis #47

Have you ever wanted to turn back the clock and help your dog feel and move like a younger dog?

In this episode, you'll hear about a dog named Cassie diagnosed with severe spinal arthritis. Despite trying medication and several alternative therapies, Cassie's condition kept worsening.

Mary used a very different approach with the dog. Instead of focusing on what was wrong, Mary helped the dog feel where the movement was EASY and then built on that. She helped Cassie generalize the feelings of ease and harmony throughout her body.

This allowed her brain to coordinate her movements better, reducing strain on the arthritic areas and allowing for freer, more comfortable movement overall.

In addition, the gentle hands-on work that Mary is describing can improve dogs' quality of life and strengthen the bond between the dogs and their people.


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All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare provider if you or your dog are unwell or injured.

About the Host:

Mary Debono is a pioneer in animal and human wellness, blending her expertise as an international clinician, best-selling author, and certified Feldenkrais Method® practitioner. With over three decades of experience, Mary developed Debono Moves, a groundbreaking approach that enhances the movement, well-being, and connection of animals and their human companions.

Mary's innovative approach draws from the Feldenkrais Method®, tailored specifically for the canine world. Her methods have helped dogs and humans:

  • Improve athletic ability and performance
  • Enhance confidence and reduce anxiety
  • Reduce physical limitations and discomfort
  • Deepen the canine-human bond

Mary's best-selling, award-winning book, "Grow Young with Your Dog,”  offers a unique opportunity to experience the benefits of Feldenkrais® while learning her signature hands-on work for dogs. This approach has helped dogs and their people move with ease and confidence. Visit


Discover how Debono Moves, adapted from the Feldenkrais Method, helped Cassie overcome severe spinal arthritis when traditional treatments failed. This revolutionary approach to animal wellness demonstrates how gentle movement patterns can break the cycle of chronic pain and restore mobility.


In this episode, we follow Cassie’s journey, a dog diagnosed with severe spinal arthritis, whose life was dramatically improved through Debono Moves. Developed by Mary Debono, this innovative approach adapts the human-focused Feldenkrais Method for animals.


You’ll hear how Mary identified the compensatory movement patterns that were exacerbating Cassie's condition and used gentle, mindful hands-on processes to reawaken dormant body parts and restore natural, healthy movement. 


Through this case study, you’ll learn about the profound connection between movement patterns and healing, and how addressing the whole body system rather than just symptoms can lead to remarkable recoveries.


The discussion explores how chronic conditions create vicious cycles of compensation that can be interrupted and even reversed through conscious movement re-education. It highlights the importance of the human-animal bond in the healing process and demonstrates how owners can become active participants in their pets' recovery.


Spinal arthritis - Cassie (AI-generated conversation)


Email sent 11-27-24:


Subject:A Dog's Journey from Pain to Play 🐕

Preview: Easy tips and news for happier, healthier dogs and humans


Hi Mary,


In this week's Easier Movement, Happier Dogs podcast, I share a story that might interest you, especially if you've ever had a dog struggle with mobility or discomfort.

The story is about Cassie, a dog whose spinal arthritis was making walks really difficult. And how simple changes in movement made such a big difference in Cassie's comfort level and ability to walk. 


In this episode, we explore:

  • How dogs naturally adjust their movement when they're uncomfortable
  • What these adjustments might tell us
  • Simple ways to help dogs move more comfortably
  • Why gentle approaches sometimes work better than we expect
  • How understanding movement patterns can help our dogs feel better


I think you'll find some helpful insights here, whether you're dealing with similar challenges or just want to understand your dog better.


Click here to listen now

Can't listen right away? No problem! Easier Movement, Happier Dogs is available on all major podcast platforms. Subscribe today so you never miss an episode! 


Thank you so much for being a member of our community and for loving your dogs so much. 

Wishing all who celebrate a very Happy Thanksgiving. I'm so grateful for YOU!  


Here's to easier movement and happier dogs!


PS - Don't forget to check out my book, Grow Young with Your Dog, for more practical exercises to enhance your movement - and your dog's comfort and mobility too!  The book comes with demonstration videos. All for just $8.97 on my website! Prefer a physical book or Kindle? Grow Young with Your Dog is also available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

PPS - If you have questions or topics you'd like me to address in future episodes, please reach out. Your feedback helps me create content that best serves you and your dog.


All information is provided for general educational purposes only and does not represent medical/veterinary advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare practitioner if you or your dog are injured or unwell.  



Hi. Today we have a special episode for you. It's by these two individuals, and they're actually chatbots, but they sound really lifelike, so I think you might get a kick out of it. And in any event, they are discussing my episode about Cassie, the dog who had. She was diagnosed with severe spinal arthritis. She was having lots and lots of issues over a period of many months where she couldn't even go on a normal walk.


She kept lying down. She just could not even with the. You know. And of course, she was going to a vet and getting medication, and she was just in a lot of discomfort. And then the work that I do called Debono Moves helped her get out of that. It helped her interrupt that downward spiral that she was in. And this is a big part of my work.


Is that what I've noticed is that dogs and humans and horses, too, we get into these downward spirals where maybe there is something like an arthritic condition or something, and then we're doing other things to compensate for that, and that just turns into this vicious cycle or a downward spiral, and there are often ways to reduce that, to get out of that to at least some degree. In Cassie's case, it seemed almost miraculous because she had a complete turnaround.


It's not always that dramatic, but it's amazing how much you can do to help your dog and yourself. So hope you enjoyed the episode. Let me know what you think. You could always reach [email protected]. enjoy the episode. Thanks so much. Hey, everyone. Ready for another deep dive? Today we're unpacking this case study from Mary debono's podcast. It features this dog, Cassie, and. Wow, what a journey. Yeah, a really remarkable case.


I mean, Cassie was diagnosed with severe spinal arthritis. Oh, wow. Pretty young, too. Yeah. And the prognosis wasn't looking good. They were even considering surgery, but there was a high risk of complications. Yeah, spinal arthritis is tough. It can be so debilitating, you know, for dogs and humans. So that's where things take a turn. Debono uses this approach called Debono Moves to help Cassie, and it's based on the Feldenkrais Method.


And that's for humans. Right. So I'm already wondering, how does that even work for dogs? Well, the Feldenkrais method. It was developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. It really focuses on these gentle, mindful movements. It's about retraining the nervous system for more efficiency. Okay, so did debonna, like, start doing yoga with Cassie? Not quite. So Debono's a longtime Feldenkrais method practitioner, and she had this idea, she saw this potential to adapt it for animals and make it accessible to dog owners.


So she created Debono Moves. Wow. That's incredible. Yeah. It sounds like Cassie was really struggling, though, before Debono started working with her. Like, I read that her condition was actually getting worse, even though they were trying all these different treatments, like massage therapy and energy work and even essential oils. That's pretty typical with spinal arthritis. You see, the condition often leads to uneven movement. The body's trying to compensate for the pain and the stiffness, and it just creates this vicious cycle.


Oh, so it's not even just about addressing the pain. It's like you have to retrain the body to move in a way that doesn't make things worse. Yeah. And that's exactly what debona was able to do with Cassie. So she observed her movements and noticed that some parts of her back were overworking, while other parts were practically shut down. So it's like some parts are doing all the heavy lifting and the others are just long for the ride.


That's a great way to put it. And it's that unevenness that leads to the pain and dysfunction. So how did she address this? I mean, this sounds complicated. Well, she focused on gently reawakening Cassie's spine and the muscles around it. So it's not about, like, fixing the arthritis. It's more like helping her remember. Yes. How to move. Exactly. It's like she was communicating with Cassie's nervous system. Wow.


Reminding it that these areas could move without pain. It's like a silent conversation with the body. I like that. So did it work? The results were remarkable. After just two sessions, Cassie stopped having those episodes of pain and stiffness during walks, and those have been going on for months. Wow, that's amazing. It sounds like Debono really changed Cassie's life. She did. And Cassie's case is a great example of what's possible when we start thinking outside the box about healing, you know?


But I'm guessing not every dog is going to respond as well as Cassie. Right, Right. Debono herself points out that you're not going to see such dramatic results in every case. Some dogs might see slower improvement or just a lessening of their symptoms. So it's not like a miracle cure, but it's a good tool to improve a dog's quality of life. Absolutely. And even if there isn't a complete turnaround, there's still so much to gain from that bond.


That's strengthened between the dog and owner through this type of interaction. It's not just physical healing either. It seems like it's about that connection. Exactly. It's about really tuning into their needs and supporting them holistically. This is fascinating. It really makes you wonder how she even came up with this approach. Yeah. What's her background? Did she just stumble on this? That's a great question, and it's a story worth telling.


Okay, well, let's look closer at Debono's background and how she made this connection between human and animal. Well, being after a short break. Sounds good. So you want to know about Mary's background? Her path to working with animals started with understanding human movement. Yeah. I mean, it's a big leap, right? Going from helping people to helping animals. Yeah. What was it about Felden Price that made her think it could work for dogs?


Well, Feldenkrais is all about seeing how the body and the nervous system connect. It's not stretching or exercises. It's about retraining the nervous system so it moves better with less strain. So how does that work? Okay. Imagine carrying a heavy bag on your right shoulder for years. Okay. Your body changes. Right. Muscles tighten, your posture changes. Yeah. You might even get pain in your neck or back. Right.


Feldenkrais helps you see those patterns and teaches you to move in a way that balances things out. Oh, so it's like resetting your body's habits. Exactly. And that's what makes it so cool. Okay, but how do you do that with a dog? I mean, they can't tell you what they're feeling. That's where Debono's expertise comes in. She can look at an animal and just see their movement patterns.


He sees where they're tense, where their movement's limited. Oh, wow. And where they're compensated. So she's like, reading their body language on a whole other level. Exactly. And she uses gentle touch and movements to help them release those restrictions and find their natural range of motion again. It's amazing. So she's not making them do exercises. Yeah, it's more like guiding them. Yeah. It's about addressing those underlying patterns.


So with Cassie, how did that help with the spinal arthritis? Well, remember how we talked about the uneven movement? De Berno saw that some parts of Cassie's back were working too hard, and other parts were barely working. Yeah. Like, some parts were screaming for help. Right. And others were just. Yeah, quietly in pain. Exactly. And Debono was able to bring those quiet muscles back to life through her touch and movements.


Redistributing the work across Cassie's whole back. So it's like teaching Cassie's body to work together again. You got it. And by doing that, she took the pressure off the overworked part so they could actually heal. It's a much bigger picture approach than just going after the pain directly. It is. And that's what's exciting. It's about empowering the body to heal. This could be used for other mobility issues too, Right?


Not just spinal arthritis. You're right. You could apply these principles to hip dysplasia, post surgical recovery, all sorts of things. Wow. We get so caught up in quick fixes that we forget to look at the whole picture. It's easy to stick with what we know. Yeah. But Cassie's story shows us what can happen when we challenge those old ways of thinking. What other possibilities are out there? That's the question, isn't it?


Yeah. If it worked this well for Cassie, imagine what it could do for other problems. Not just in animals, but people too. You mean using these principles for human health? Exactly. Think about it. Preventing age related issues. Wow. Helping people recover from injuries. Maybe even helping athletes. It's like we're just scratching the surface. We are. This is why this is so exciting. It's a whole new way of thinking about movement and healing.


It recognizes how the mind and body are connected and how much potential for change we all have. I'm glad we looked into that. This. It's really opened my eyes. Me too. And it's important to remember that while Debono moves is powerful, it's not just about the techniques. It's about working with the body's natural intelligence to heal and about the connection between humans and animals. Yes. We can learn so much from each other by listening to our animals and watching how they move and responding with care and understanding.


Yeah. We can help them physically, but also connect with them more deeply than we thought possible. It's like a deeper connection. A language beyond words. Exactly. And I think that's something we can all learn from that ability to really listen and observe with compassion and respond with understanding. That can help all of our relationships. It shows us that healing involves more than just the physical body. Yes. It's also about our emotions and even our spirit.


Well said. And as we learn more about this, who knows what we'll find? Maybe the answers aren't in complicated medical treatments, but in simpler things like touch, movement, connection. Cassie's story is really inspiring. It shows how strong the body can be. I know. And how powerful love and Compassion are. Yeah. It really makes you think. It really does. This deep dive has been eye opening. I agree. So as you go about your day, think about what we've talked about today.


Be curious, question what you think you know, and never underestimate the power you have to heal. That's a great thought to end on. Thanks for joining us for this deep dive and we'll see you next time for another one. Wow. We covered a lot there. Gazi's recovery. Debono moves. The connections between how humans and animals move. It's a lot to think about. It is. But what really strikes me is how different this approach is.


It's not about fixing the body like it's a machine. It's about seeing the body as this smart system that knows how to heal itself. Yeah. We get so focused on the symptoms that we forget to listen to our bodies. Exactly. The Debono Moves reminds us to be curious about our bodies and respect how much they know about healing. And that goes for humans and animals too, right? Absolutely.


The principles are the same. It doesn't matter if it's a dog with spinal arthritis or a person with chronic pain. Right. We have to understand how their movements are part of the problem and then gently guide them towards a better way of moving. It's like we're learning a whole new language of touch and movement to communicate with the body. I love that. And through that communication, we unlock the potential for healing.


You know, Debono talked about how this work strengthens the bond between the dog and owner. Do you think that connection is part of the healing too? I think so. When we really pay attention to our animals and try to understand what they need, it builds trust. Right. And intimacy. And that can be incredibly healing. It's like tapping into this ancient connection. Yes. A way of understanding each other without words.


Exactly. And that's a lesson for all of us, even if we don't have animals. Yeah, really. Listening, observing with compassion, responding with understanding. Those are things that can make any relationship better. So healing isn't just about the body. It's about our emotions too. Right. And even our spirit. Beautifully said. As we learn more about all of this, who knows what we'll find? Maybe the answers aren't in fancy treatments, but in things like touch, movement and connection.


Cassie's story gives me so much hope. Me too. It shows how strong the body can be. Yes. And it reminds us of the power of love and compassion. I'm really glad we did this deep dive. It's changed how I think about things. Me too. So as you go about your day. Remember what we talked about. Be curious. Don't be afraid to question what you think you know. Yeah.


And remember, we all have the power to heal. That's a great reminder. Thanks for joining us for this deep dive, everyone. We'll see you next time for another fascinating exploration.