Discover how selecting a keystone practice like Feldenkrais can create positive chain reactions throughout your life. Learn how gentle movement sequences can improve your riding, sleep, emotional resilience, and creativity while building a foundation for lasting transformation.
Key Takeaways
- A key...
Are there things about yourself or your horse that you'd like to fix?
In this episode, I challenge the notion that you or your horse needs fixing.
Instead, we embrace a holistic approach. Drawing on my 30 years of experience as a Feldenkrais teacher specializing in horses and riders, I explain ho...
Key Takeaways
- Pulling on the tail can harm horses with back tightness, triggering a defensive response
- Instead of pulling, support the tail forward to relax the muscles
- Focus on building trust and offering...
Do you feel crooked in the saddle? You're not alone! In this episode of Easier Movement, Happier Horses, we'll dive into the problem of uneven seat bones.
This common issue isn't just about aesthetics. It can affect your riding ability, contribute to a lack of confidence, create physical disco...
You'll hear why one or more of these essentials may disappear when you tack up your horse or step into the saddle.
Learn how you and you...
Discover Effortless Riding: Exploring the Feldenkrais Method for Equestrians
Today, I'm excited to give you a sneak peek into a lesson from the free FeldenkraisⓇ for Rider series. This particular lesson is packed with benefits that extend beyond just your shoulders and upper back – it's a gateway t...
I recently had the honor of being a guest on Karen Rohlf's Horse Training in Harmony podcast. Karen is an exceptional teacher and trainer and puts an emphasis on developing a relationship based on connection with your horse. Plus, she's a delightful person! I hope you enjoy our conversation.
Did you know that YOU get to decide who you are?
Not your parents, teachers, siblings, friends, coworkers, or random people on the internet.
But most of us don’t realize that. We’ve let others shape us and decide who we are. We create our identities, often at a young age.
And these identit...
Let's talk about how you - and your horse - can effortlessly improve your movement and well-being. Despite aging, injuries or even limiting beliefs!
Here's what you can learn in this episode:
1. Keeping Mobility, Flexibility, Balance and Confidence Despite Aginng or Injury (or both!) Tips to Hel...
This episode will introduce a novel way to improve shoulder movement in you and your horse. And it's all about working with the rib cage!
Mary will describe the innovative way she helps humans and horses overcome ligament and tendon injuries and restore free, healthy movement to the shoulders.
Want to move with greater ease AND feel happier too? You're in luck! Feldenkrais Method movement lessons not only help improve posture, flexibility and balance, but may help you cultivate greater happiness, optimism and wellbeing too.
In this episode, Mary explains how doing Feldenkrais movem...
In this episode, I'll share key elements that you ca