Improving Quality of Life for a Dog with a Serious Diagnosis (DM) #10 #canine debono moves degenerative myelopathy dogs neurological problems Mar 04, 2024

🐶Want to learn more? Get my FREE video training at by clicking this link. 💥

Hear about Sheba, a German shepherd (GSD) diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy (DM), and how I helped Sheba and her owners improve her quality of life.

You'll hear why proactive care is so important and how you can be an...

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How a Dog with Spinal Arthritis Became Young Again #8 #canine canine arthritis canine back pain canine back stiffness debono moves dogs feldenkrais method spinal arthritis Feb 20, 2024

💥Grab your FREE video training! 💥

Have you ever wanted to turn back the clock and help your dog feel and move like a younger dog?

In this episode, Mary shares a story about a dog named Cassie who was diagnosed with severe spinal arthritis. Despite trying medication a...

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Dog Getting Stiff? The Importance of Relieving Your Dog's Back Tension #7 canine arthritis canine mobility debono moves dogs feldenkrais method grow young with your dog senior dogs Feb 12, 2024

Click here to get your free video training on how YOU can help relieve your dog's back tension.

Want to help your stiff, senior dog feel more flexible?

Join Mary Debono as she shares the heartwarming story of Princess, a dog with spinal arthritis, who improved her mobility and greatly enhanced her...

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The Power to Help Your Dog is in Your Hands (Rhythm Circles) #6 canine canine connection debono moves dogs improving movement and well-being neuroplasticity relaxation rhythm circles stress reduction Feb 07, 2024

💥The canine summit is over, but you can still get the FREE video training by clicking here. 💥

In this episode of Easier Movement, Happier Dogs, I’m sharing a gentle, effective technique that can help your dog move in a more balanced, comfortable way as it promotes relaxation and reduces stress.


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EMHD Episode 4: A Better Story Makes a Better Dog #humanmind canine dogs Sep 20, 2022

Do you have limiting beliefs about yourself?

Maybe you think that you’re lacking in confidence, that you’ll never have money, that your best days are behind you, or some other belief that prevents you from living life to the fullest. You may also have limiting beliefs that you’re not aware of.


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15-year-old Duffy and His Mom Grow Younger canine arthritis canine back stiffness canine hip debono moves dogs grow young with your dog senior dogs May 08, 2021

The following is from a reader of Grow Young with Your Dog.

“I have a 15-year old terrier mix who was has very arthritic hips after a fall down a flight of stairs. His tail had been locked down close to his body and he walked with great difficulty. He often fell over because he was so unbalanced.

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15-year-old Poodle Gets Revitalized dogs poodle senior dogs May 07, 2021

I absolutely love and appreciate getting messages such as this one. ❤🙏❤

Syeeda's 15-year-old miniature poodle, Sophie, was having great difficulty. She wasn't eating and her mobility and stability were very compromised. She was getting weaker and weaker. Syeeda feared the end was very near.

She bo...

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From Oh Sh*t to Okay #humanmind canine dogs Aug 05, 2020

Want to know how the Airedale recovered so quickly from carpal arthritis?

Curious how a yellow Lab returned to soundness after a devastating knee ligament injury?

Wondering how a 70-pound dog with debilitating spinal arthritis started running and playing again?   


They all had one thing in com...

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A Surprise Benefit of Staying Home with Your Dog or Cat breathing canine cats dogs feline humans stress relief Apr 29, 2020

Some years ago, I walked into a sunlit, colorful living room in the coastal town of Laguna Nigel, California. The homeowner, a woman named Carol, was in her early 40’s and had shoulder-length, sandy-colored hair that was pulled back into a ponytail.  

I first met Carol a couple of weeks earlier whe...

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The Secret to Helping Dogs with Back Stiffness or Hip/Knee Injuries acl canine canine back stiffness canine hip canine knee injury ccl cranial cruciate ligament dogs lumbar circle lumbar lift Feb 05, 2020

Let’s say you see a dog who’s hurting. Maybe he’s an older dog with a stiff, arthritic spine. Or perhaps she’s a younger dog with hip dysplasia or a torn knee ligament.

Don’t you wish you could instantly help such a dog feel better?  


I’d like to share a simple, hands-on technique that has help...

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An Akita Overcomes Hip and Knee Pain – and Changes His Behavior Too acl injury agression canine canine behavior canine injury ccl injury cranial cruciate ligament dogs hip dysplasia Nov 28, 2019


I drove down the unfamiliar street, reading the house numbers. 2403… 2405… 2407… Bingo!

I parked on the street and was about to get out of my red Toyota Celica when a woman called out to me from the porch.

Wait in your car while I bring Bruno into the house!

I watched as she used a piece of...

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Is This Common Household Mistake Harming Your Dog? dogs Nov 28, 2019

Could your floor be causing your dog to age prematurely?

Over the years, I've seen a great number of dogs struggle as they negotiate tile or wood floors in their home. And many dog "parents" have no idea that their flooring choice is causing undue hardship for their dogs.

I had the opportunity to ...

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