15-year-old Duffy and His Mom Grow Younger
May 08, 2021
The following is from a reader of Grow Young with Your Dog.
“I have a 15-year old terrier mix who was has very arthritic hips after a fall down a flight of stairs. His tail had been locked down close to his body and he walked with great difficulty. He often fell over because he was so unbalanced.
I have performed the exercises daily on my dog (and on me, as well) and am happy to report that Duffy gets better with each passing day. This morning he even ran down the hall with his tail in the air!
"I love that this book approaches healing by combining the mind, breath, muscles and nerves. The rhythmic movements trigger a response in the nervous system that opens a pathway to healing, helping the muscles re-learn how to move correctly again after months of compensating for pain.
There is nothing so fulfilling as hearing your pet breathe a heavy sigh when his muscles relax and release under the gentle touch of your hands. This book and Mary's methods are truly a gift of love.”
- Cheryl Sanborn, Los Angeles, CA