
I understand that no medical or veterinary advice is provided in this program and that all information is for general educational purposes only. No diagnosis or treatment is being made.

I agree to move gently and carefully when doing the exercises and movements in this program. I'll monitor my own comfort and well-being and that of my horse. I'm responsible for my safety and that of my horse.

I agree to assume all risks in participating in this program. I understand that Mary Debono and SENSE Method, Inc. are not responsible for any injury to myself or my horse that may arise from my participation in this program. 

I understand that I'm being subscribed to the email list so that I can receive important information regarding my purchase. I understand that I can unsubscribe if I don't wish to receive emails from Mary Debono/SENSE Method, Inc..  

I have read and agreed to the full Terms and Conditions.  

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Move with Your Horse (Advanced Level)

Do you want greater flexibility, balance and connection? For you and your horse?

💥Let's take it to the next level!💥


What you'll get in this 12-week ADVANCED program: 

Twelve equine-focused classes (a mix of 1:1 spotlight sessions, group classes and classroom Zooms) where you'll refine your skill at doing the hands-on work. 

You'll learn how to determine what hands-on work will be most helpful for particular situations.

And you'll discover how to put "moves" together to create effective equine sessions.🐴 

 Weekly, live Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement® classes designed for equestrians. 

✅You'll enjoy twice-a-month mindset trainings so you can get your mind working FOR you. 

✅Replays available for all classes

Private Facebook group for coaching, support and community 

💲 Special savings! Joining now means you're part of an exclusive group. As a VIP, you get a discounted price. (Program fees will be significantly higher for other students.)    

I look forward to continuing this journey with you. There's so much more to discover about how to help yourself and your horse.

After all, you and your horse deserve to feel great. Together.💖  

Please act soon! This advanced program begins on January 17, 2022. Thank you so much!😊 

What People Are Saying:

Mary has taught me that I don't have to endure any pain, that it is possible to be active, athletic and not have back pain! I could not recommend Mary more highly. She has changed my life!

Kate Shuster, USDF gold medalist and dressage judge