Move with Your Horse  


A Ten-Week, Online Group Coaching Program to Help You and Your Horse Enjoy More Flexible, Balanced Movement and a Deeper Connection.

Using the gentle, effective Feldenkrais Method®.  

After all, you and your horse deserve to feel great. Together.  

Yes, I Want This!

You want riding to feel good to you AND your horse.  

And you don't hesitate to look within. Could you be contributing to your horse's stiffness, tension or resistance? 

Is your tension, achiness or anxiety affecting your horse?

Is your horse paying the price for your unbalanced seat and crooked position?

Knowing that YOU play a big role in your horse's well-being, you're always looking to enhance your balance, flexibility and confidence.  


You're not alone.


If you feel that you're not always balanced in the saddle, that your confidence is shaky (at best!), that you're not as supple as you once're not alone.

If you're committed to keeping yourself and your horse sound, supple and happy, you're in good company. 

And if your relationship with your horse is more important than winning a blue ribbon, you're in the right place! 

Imagine you could...

Feel More Balanced, Flexible and Confident 

Your seat is secure and balanced. Your legs are perfectly positioned around your horse or propel you as you easily run alongside your horse. 

Help Your Horse Move Easier and Feel Better 

You love being able to help your horse. You know how to relieve tight muscles and help your horse feel relaxed and supple, even while being tacked up!  

Have a True Dialogue with Your Horse

With a grateful heart, you communicate with your horse so clearly that your nervous systems almost feel like one. Pure bliss. 

Imagine you could...

Transformation 1

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Transformation 2

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Transformation 3

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Move with Your Horse!

We're ready to help you have more balanced, flexible movement, a relaxed mind and a joyful connection with your horse.  

This one-of-a-kind approach helps reduce the effects of aging, arthritis, injuries and anxiety. For you and your horse. 

So you and your horse can enjoy moving through life. Together.  

Yes, I Want This!

You'll discover how to...


You'll improve your body awareness, flexibility and coordination by doing gentle, effective Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement® lessons (exercises). These classes are also designed to improve your ability to do the hands-on work with your horse.  

You'll learn how to control your response to stress. No matter what's going on around you, you'll have the tools to exchange anxiety for a relaxed, mindful state.

And you'll know how to help your horse be more relaxed too! 

Whether your horse is a new partner or old friend, you'll get to know your horse better than ever. You'll learn why your horse may be stiff or resistant in one direction or find it difficult to pick up a canter lead. Or why your horse gets irritated when you start tacking up.  

Learn how to help your horse not only tolerate being tacked up, but to enjoy it!

This simple process will not only improve your horse's association with riding, but can help enhance your horse's athletic ability too. 

This system can make riding healthier and more enjoyable for ALL horses. 

There's a sense of joy and lightness that's created when you use your hands and heart to connect with a horse.

It's that magical moment when new movement options suddenly become possible. 

It's energizing. And literally heart-warming. I can't wait to teach you how to feel it too!

Decades ago, I had nerve damage, chronic pain and a poor prognosis. And did I mention I was stressed?

I'm so glad that I learned about biological optimism, the idea that virtually everyone, regardless of age or physical condition, can improve. My life transformed in wonderful ways. You and your horse can transform too.  

Take a moment and imagine how it'll FEEL when...


Your horse consistently has that look in his eye that tells you that he enjoys spending time with you.


You know how to banish tension, calm your nerves and act with confidence and clarity. 

Your movement is fluid. You have vitality and strength. You feel years younger. 


You realize that the way you do everyday things matter. The way you sit at your desk. The way you lead, groom, pick hooves and tack up your horse. Used intentionally, these everyday events can:

  • Stimulate balanced, flexible movement
  • Develop body awareness and mindfulness
  • Encourage relaxation and responsiveness
  • Make riding easier and healthier 
  • Create a positive learning state
  • Build trust, confidence and connection with your horse 
Yes, I Want This!

Talk about your why and why you created this solution

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Here's what we'll discuss inside the program.   

Building a Relationship on Connection, Not Correction 

One of the important concepts in this approach is that we connect with our horses and work with them to facilitate improvements, rather than correct or force change on them. We're not trying to "fix" them - or ourselves. Instead, we respect and work with each individual's bodily intelligence. In the program, you'll learn WHY this strategy works so well. 

When you know WHY you're doing an exercise or hands-on move, it makes it so much more effective. This information will set you up for success! 

As always, you'll get Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) lessons to develop your awareness and improve your movement, so you'll  experience the benefits too. 

Developing Feel: Noticing Differences That Matter

Throughout this program, you'll learn how to generate improvements by retraining the brain. Your brain and your horse's brain.

And since brains learn by noticing differences, your ability to notice distinctions, especially small, subtle ones, is crucial.

Inside the program, you'll learn how to feel movement differences. You'll also discover how movement travels THROUGH your horse. 

And you'll explore hands-on "moves" that can help your horse have a relaxed, supple back and more efficient movement.  

Reduce Tension, Increase Strength and Elegance

You'll learn how to help improve the mobility of your horse's back, neck and rib cage. You'll understand how the rib cage affects muscular tension and movement throughout the whole horse! 

Chronically contracted muscles don't just feel tight, they can cause stiffness, weakness and fatigue. You'll learn how to increase strength by increasing efficiency of movement. 

You'll also enjoy Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement® lessons designed to enhance your awareness and mobility, which can lead to greater strength and resilience for you too.     

You'll enjoy these special perks: 

Interactive Zoom Sessions with Mary 

Put your phone on a tripod and learn hands-on work with your horse.

Get real-time feedback and coaching from Mary on how to improve your horse's movement and well-being.  

Big Savings! 

You'll get personalized attention from Mary. This normally costs $150/hour. 

We're keeping the group size small to ensure you'll get all your questions answered and won't get lost in the crowd, like in many online programs.

Learn How to Make Saddling Pleasurable for Your Horse

During the program, you'll have the chance to learn how to make tacking up healthier and more enjoyable for your horse.

Whether or not you think your horse is girthy, this can be a game-changer! 

Yes, I Want This!

Hi, I'm Mary Debono!

You know how people suffer from chronic aches, pains, stiffness or anxiety?

Well, I help people get their body and mind working together so well that they move through life with greater ease, flexibility, confidence and joy.

And I teach them how to help their horses do so too.

With 30+ years of experience, I can say that virtually everyone, regardless of age or physical condition, can improve.   

A life-long horsewoman and long-time Certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner, I've been a featured presenter at numerous conferences and expos, including: Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA), Progressive Hoof Care Practitioners (PHCP), The Feldenkrais Conference and PATH Int'l.  

I'm also a best-selling, award-winning author and international clinician.

In other words, I know a thing or two about improving human and equine movement. 

And my #1 mission is to help you and your horse feel great in body and mind. So you can have loads of fun together.      

Remember, you and your horse deserve to feel great. Together. I'd love to meet you inside our program! 

Meet Your Instructor

This section is different from the story section because it is LESS emotional and MORE tactical.

Mention your qualification/ experience here.Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus.

Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.

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Why You Should Consider Joining Now

Exceptional Value & Support

Mary is personally committed to helping you get the most out of the program.

Class size is small to give you individual attention. You won't get lost in the crowd!

Live  Coaching AND Self-Paced, Pre-Recorded Videos 

This program has the best of both worlds. There's plenty of pre-recorded videos that you can follow at your own pace, PLUS you'll get LIVE classes so you can benefit from instant feedback and coaching directly from Mary.


The classes will be recorded, so you can refer to the replays too. 


Through the magic of Zoom, you'll get to experience Mary's teaching in a small, supportive, interactive group. 


In our Facebook group, you can ask questions, get personalized feedback and enjoy discussions. Mary will be in the group several days a week, answering your questions and cheering your successes.   

This Program is Perfect For You If: 

❤ You're willing to invest time to improve your balance, flexibility and confidence. You and your horse are worth it. 

❤ Your value your horse's well-being and want to do right by your horse.   

❤ You're motivated to improve, knowing you'll not only feel better today, but you're setting the stage for a healthy, active future too.

❤ You're heart-centered and committed to enhancing your life and your horse's life. 

This Program is NOT For: 

😢People looking for a quick fix. They don't want to take time to address their imbalances, stiffness or mindset.  

😢People who treat horses like sports equipment, rather than as living, feeling beings. They believe their horse should just do what THEY want them to do, no matter how the horse feels. 

😢People who believe they're too old or too injured to improve. 

😢People who aren't interested in deepening their connection with themselves or their horses. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, I Want This!

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, I Want This!

What People are Saying...

“I have been studying with Mary Debono over the past year. I so love this work and so do my horses. In one session you can already start to see differences in your horse's body.

It is the combination of working on yourself (the human) and to then translate this work and feeling to your horse is what makes Mary Debono’s work so unique and amazing.

You will get a better understanding on how you move and how your horse is moving. From here you will learn how to move with more ease and elegance and help your horse to do the same.

This approach has not only made me feel better physically but also emotionally and mentally. The improved body awareness will create a clearer language and a better understanding between you and your horse."

Jannie Smit, owner/coach at Equine Core Connection, Australia

I am so thankful for meeting Mary Debono. Her work started me down this path towards ease, peace, and mindfulness that has helped me in so many ways, I can’t begin to list them all!!!! 

I am even completely off my prescription anti-inflammatory, which I had been taking take twice a day for 20 YEARS for my lupus. My pain is almost completely gone now with Mary's help! It is truly amazing.

Mary's Feldenkrais program has literally changed my life in so many different ways....And, of course, the work has helped the horses so much too!"

Elaine Hayes, FEI trainer, USDF Bronze, Silver and Gold Medalist, owner of Partnership Dressage 

“I love this course! The benefits for me and my horse are immeasurable. There seems to be no end to the insights I'm getting and the feel I'm developing, both on and off my horse.

People are noticing that I'm riding better. My joints are springier and I feel like like I'm getting YOUNGER!

I highly recommend Move with Your Horse for anyone who wishes to improve themselves and their horse's body awareness, flexibility and feel. The improvements to my riding and to my horse's overall balance, ease of movement and wellbeing are increasing exponentially.

I’m so grateful Mary has put this program together to share her depth of knowledge with us.

Carol Gangi

This program is teaching me a way to communicate directly with the body in very specific and differentiated ways. The more we build on this type of relationship the more the horse follows our movements without resistance. It just continues to amaze me how subtle we can be in asking.

Mary, you support people/animals wherever they are and gently encourage new possibilities. This is such a powerful approach for both physical and mental wellness. I appreciate your unconditional support and how much it has helped me, my horses and my students. 

I have felt the remarkable difference Feldenkrais can make in my own body and it's wonderful to be able to apply these techniques to helping the horses feel their best! Thank you, Mary! 

Stacey Carter, owner/trainer at Heart-Centered Horsemanship  

“Mary has taught me that I don't have to endure any pain, that it is possible to be active, athletic and not have back pain! I could not recommend Mary more highly. She has changed my life!”

Kate Shuster, USDF Gold Medalist and dressage judge

“This program has been life-changing for the horses I’m working with, as well as myself. For example, simply learning how to use my core PROPERLY made canter departs so much easier. Thank you, Mary Debono! You are helping all of us, horses and humans alike!”

Laurie Capparella, Equine Bodyworker  

“Holy Cow! I did one of Mary's pelvic exercises just before I rode. I was swinging so much better in the saddle. I felt FLUID! 

I felt so solid in my seat and my horse finally gave me her back. I had a great ride, with the best sitting trot I’ve had in a very long time.”

Lisa Gorsuch, M.D. 

I've been sharing and incorporating into my animal work every ‘Debono Move’ I can get my hands on! I love this way of connecting with and improving the movement of dogs and horses. Thank you, Mary, for this wonderful work."  

Laura Shakeshaft, Practitioner of Integrated Therapies, U.K.

“I love learning all these wonderful ways to connect with our horses and "give back" to them since they are giving us so much."  

Kerstin Rudolph

Thank you, Mary Debono, for such a fun and insightful program.

I love how the human and horse sessions are integrated and build on each other. My horse LOVES the classes too."

Wendy Taylor

“Mary's program has made a huge difference to me and my horses.

I had such a nice ride today after doing the Feldenkrais class. My legs and pelvis were more relaxed and connected to my horse.

My mare is learning how to release tension in her neck and head. It's pretty amazing!

My gelding is typically very tight in the back and doesn't bend very well, especially to the left. After doing the hands-on moves, he was much more relaxed and looser today when I rode him.

I also want to thank Mary for setting up our online library so that we have not only video replays, but we can download the audio and a written transcript of our classes too. This is such a great feature! I download the audio so I can listen while doing barn chores, then I skim through the transcript and write down things that I want to remember. And of course I have the videos to watch anytime I want."

Katie Bartlett, Equine Clicker Trainer 

“As an older rider with an older horse there are lots of habitual movement patterns that interfere with fluidity. When Mary breaks things down into small pieces new insight is possible as well as physical growth. Thank you, Mary!”

Cris Becker, M.D. 

Mary was Featured in:


Here's what you get in this 10-week program:


✔ Weekly live, interactive Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement® classes to help improve your movement, flexibility and balance. These classes are unmounted and can be done from the comfort of your home. 


✔ Weekly live, interactive equine sessions. You'll learn gentle hands-on "moves" to help improve your horse's flexibility, balance, coordination and relaxation. The hands-on work is a great way to refine your communication and deepen the bond with your horse. 💖


✔ Live coaching and Q & A time with Mary. Understand the theory behind this innovative work. Get your questions answered too!


✔ Private Facebook group to get answers from Mary, discuss your experiences and meet like-minded horse people


✔  Direct coaching from Mary in a small group format without the fuss of traveling with your horse to a clinic.


✔  Our LIVE coaching sets us apart. You won't be on your own. 


✔ The appreciation of your horse! 🐴💖


Here's a BRIEF overview of what you'll get each week.

Week 0:  Welcome and Orientation to the Move with Your Horse program

Week 1:  From Fixing to Connecting - Developing Feel

Week 2:  Rocking to Relieve Tension and Enhance Flexibility and Balance 

Week 3:  Rhythm Circles - A Magic Move You'll Come Back to Again and Again

Week 4:  Identifying and Freeing Areas of Restriction and Overuse

Week 5:  Freeing the Rib Cage and Shoulders for Healthier Movement 

Week 6:  Integrating from Head to Tail - Putting the "Moves" Together

Week 7:  Rib Rope - A Surprisingly Simple Way to Improve Neck, Shoulder, Rib Cage and Back  

Week 8:  The Key to Rounding the Back with Ease

Week 9:  Limber Limbs - Improving Shoulders and Hips    

Week 10: Tension-Free Tacking Up and Integrating it All Into Your Daily Life

Remember, you'll get live classes and on-demand videos! 

One Final Note


To improve yourself and your horse, don't just trust me. TRUST YOURSELF.

You have to trust that:

  • You and your horse are worth the investment of a couple of hours a week.  
  • You CAN easily improve your balance, flexibility and confidence. And that of your horse. 
  • Your future is in your hands. The choices you make today can determine how healthy and happy your tomorrows are.  
  • Whether or not you join our program at this time, you'll make the decision that's right for you. And your horse.

I'm here for you. Feel free to email [email protected]. I can help you decide if Move with Your Horse is right for you. 

xo, Mary 

100% Happiness Guarantee

Move with Your Horse is a one-of-a-kind program that was designed specifically with you in mind.

I know without a doubt that you'll get results with this program. 

I'm so confident of this fact that if you don't feel more balanced, flexible or confident, I'll personally help you get over any hurdles.  

On the off chance that you STILL don't feel that I'm living up to my commitment to your learning, I'll refund your payment, as long as your initial contact was within 21 days of the program start date. You must make a good faith effort to work through the program, so please only join if you're committed to improving yourself and your horse. No tire kickers, please!  

Simply email [email protected], explain what you're struggling with and we'll take care of you. 

Yes, I Want This!

Our LIVE coaching sets our program apart! 

Pay in Full - Best Value!


*Use coupon code EARLYSTART to save $200 and attend live Feldenkrais® classes beginning on March 4! You pay just $797!

  •  🐴 Weekly live, hands-on equine sessions. Bring your horse to all 10 classes!   
  • Weekly, live Feldenkrais®       Awareness Through Movement® classes AND weekly pre-recorded classes 
  • Q & A time with Mary after each live class
  • Pre-recorded, professionally-filmed videos demonstrating the hands-on equine work 
  • Replays of all live classes 
  • Lifetime access to course content
  • Small, intimate class size 
  • Private group for community, support and accountability
  • PDF checklists and other materials to support your learning 
  • You'll get coaching directly from Mary. Our live support sets us apart.  
  • You satisfaction is guaranteed!
  • Save $53 by paying in full


Program officially begins on March 24, 2025  

HUGE early-bird savings and bonus for action takers! 

Use coupon code EARLYSTART to save $200 and attend live Feldenkrais® classes beginning on March 4!    💥💥💥  

 Make 2025 the BEST year for you and your horse!


Join with 3 Easy Payments of


*Use coupon code EARLYSTART to save $200 and attend live Feldenkrais® classes beginning on March 4! Get started for just $150!

  •  🐴 Weekly live, hands-on equine sessions. Bring your horse to all 10 classes!   
  • Weekly, live Feldenkrais®       Awareness Through Movement® classes AND pre-recorded classes
  • Q & A time with Mary after each live class
  • Pre-recorded, professionally-filmed videos demonstrating the hands-on equine work 
  • Replays of all live classes 
  • Lifetime access to course content
  • Small, intimate class size 
  • Private group for community, support and accountability
  • PDF checklists and other materials to support your learning 
  • You'll get coaching directly from Mary. Our live support sets us apart.  
  • You satisfaction is guaranteed!
  • Get started for just $150 with the coupon below


Program officially begins on March 24, 2025  

HUGE early-bird savings and bonus for action takers! 

Use coupon code EARLYSTART to save $200 and attend live Feldenkrais® classes beginning on March 4!    💥💥💥  

Make 2025 the BEST year for you and your horse!