A New Use For Polo Wraps #humanmovement equestrians exercises feldenkrais feldenkrais method humans Jun 23, 2020

Go grab two polo wraps, standing bandages or even a couple of hand towels out of your linen closet.

Then lie down on the floor and join Mary in a short, super effective exercise to activate your deep core muscles.

You'll learn how to both relax your back AND get stronger and more coordinated all a...

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A Surprise Benefit of Staying Home with Your Dog or Cat breathing canine cats dogs feline humans stress relief Apr 29, 2020

Some years ago, I walked into a sunlit, colorful living room in the coastal town of Laguna Nigel, California. The homeowner, a woman named Carol, was in her early 40’s and had shoulder-length, sandy-colored hair that was pulled back into a ponytail.  

I first met Carol a couple of weeks earlier whe...

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This Mindset Shift Can Help You be More Balanced on Your Horse #humanmovement balance feldenkrais humans riders Apr 18, 2020

Part 1 – The Rider’s Habits


There’s one tool that I’ve seen help equestrians more than any other. It can help riders successfully navigate challenging situations with their horses. It can also help equestrians achieve long-term goals such as: improving riding skill, enhancing equine athleticism ...

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A Surprising Use for Your Lead Rope #equinemovement #humanmovement equestrians exercises feldenkrais horse humans rib cage rib rope rider suspensory injury Jan 10, 2020

***Important note about the video: Please be gentle! Your pressure should be VERY LIGHT and the movements should be subtle "suggestions." Never use force. Keep your hands and shoulders soft and relaxed.***   


Don’t you love when something good comes out of something bad?   

 A number of years a...

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Improve Your Flexibility with a Simple Rib Rope easier turning humans neck flexibility rib cage rib rope Oct 05, 2019

For human Rib Ropes: You can purchase rope for your human Rib Rope from Horse Rope Connection.  This link takes you directly to the 3/8″ soft yacht rope. We usually use about a  5′ length for the human Rib Ropes. The way you order 5′ of rope is to type “5” in the quantity field, since they sell the ...

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