Restoring Healthy Movement: A Conversation with Karen Rohlf and Mary Debono
debono moves
equine injury
equine tendon injury
feldenkrais method
recovery from injury
Apr 01, 2023
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I recently had the honor of being a guest on Karen Rohlf'sĀ Horse Training in HarmonyĀ podcast. Karen is an exceptional teacher and trainer and puts an emphasis on developing a relationship based on connection with your horse. Plus, she's a delightful person! I hope you enjoy our conversation.Ā
All Categories #auditory awareness #brain training #canine #debono moves #dog training #equine #equinemind #equinemovement #feldenkrais #horsehumanconnection #horsemind #horsemovement #humanmind #humanmovement #mindset #ras reticular activating system #rhythm circles #sensory acuity acl acl injury agility aging agression anchor anxiety anxious awareness through movement back pain balance bending body awareness body wisdom breathing canine canine arthritis canine back pain canine back stiffness canine behavior canine connection canine fractures canine hip canine injury canine knee injury canine mobility canine paralysis canine stroke caninehumanconnection cat cats ccl ccl injury chihuahua cinchy confidence connected breathing cranial cruciate ligament crookedness debono moves debonomoves degenerative myelopathy dislocated hip dog health dogs dressage easier turning emhh equestrians equine equine injury equine performance equine tendon injury exercises fear feldenkrais feldenkrais for cats feldenkrais method feline feline injury flexibility girthy grow young with your dog habits hamstrings hip dysplasia hip joints hips holistic hoof trimming horse horsepodcast horses human humans improving movement and well-being injury inner authority knee pain knee stiffness knees lumbar circle lumbar lift mindset moshe feldenkrais move with your horse move with your horse program movement muscle memory muscles neck flexibility negative thinking nervous system neurological problems neuroplasticity nlp non-habitual movements pain podcast poodle positive reinforcement training posture recovery from injury relaxation rhythm circles rib accordions rib cage rib rope rider riders riding rocking rolling fists saddling saddling issues scan seat bones self-talk senior dogs shoulders somatic education spinal arthritis sternum stiffness strength stress stress reduction stress relief stretching suspensory injury suspensory ligament tacking up tail tension well-being