Help Your Dog Heal by Integrating Debono Moves with Veterinary Care #22 #canine #debono moves acl injury aging canine arthritis canine back pain canine injury canine knee injury May 28, 2024

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Want to help your dog reduce the effects of aging, anxiety or arthritis? Or heal fully from an injury or surgery?

Debono Moves, a hands-on approach that uses gentle contact and movements,  can help dogs heal and recover from injuries...

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The Secret to Helping Dogs with Back Stiffness or Hip/Knee Injuries acl canine canine back stiffness canine hip canine knee injury ccl cranial cruciate ligament dogs lumbar circle lumbar lift Feb 05, 2020

Let’s say you see a dog who’s hurting. Maybe he’s an older dog with a stiff, arthritic spine. Or perhaps she’s a younger dog with hip dysplasia or a torn knee ligament.

Don’t you wish you could instantly help such a dog feel better?  


I’d like to share a simple, hands-on technique that has help...

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