Let's talk about how you can effortlessly improve your movement. And your horse's performance.
Many of us force ourselves into a straighter posture and endure uncomfortable stretches in an attempt to improve our position and flexibility. And we use that same mindset with...
This episode will introduce a novel way to improve shoulder movement in you and your horse. And it's all about working with the rib cage!
Mary will describe the innovative way she helps humans and horses overcome ligament and tendon injuries and restore free, healthy movement to...
Do you wish your horse was more willing and enthusiastic? Do you ever think of your horse as lazy or stubborn? Do you wish your horse would pay more attention to you?
In this episode, Mary gives you tips to use leading as a fun way to connect with your horse and have a more...
Discover how haltering sets the tone for your interaction with your horse and how simple changes can elevate your equine relationship. You'll hear how mindful haltering can even improve your horse's willingness and athletic performance!
In this episode, you'll learn why it's...
In this episode, you’ll learn how horses and humans get stuck in “habit ruts” that contribute to stiffness, soreness and general unhappiness. Mary will explain how to use small changes to your everyday routine to break out of that rut and help you and your horse...
Understanding and Addressing Back Pain in Horses and Riders
Back pain and stiffness is a very common problem for horses and humans alike. And there's often a common reason why your back - or your horse's back - gets stiff and sore.
In this podcast episode, I explain what...
Want to move with greater ease AND feel happier too? You're in luck! Feldenkrais Method movement lessons not only help improve posture, flexibility and balance, but may help you cultivate greater happiness, optimism and wellbeing too.
In this episode, Mary explains how...
In this episode, I'll share key...
You've probably have heard that if you want to improve, you have to push beyond your comfort zone. You're encouraged to go to your maximum, to develop more willpower.
But is that approach REALLY serving you?
In this episode, learn when it's more effective to stay WITHIN your range...
Did you know that you can improve your movement simply by changing the very beginning of a movement? You can develop better body awareness and improve your coordination simply by pausing and changing the very BEGINNING of a movement.
This applies to any movement that you do,...
“After recovering from four severed ligaments in my knee and my fibula broken in three places after being dragged by a horse, I was walking, but limping and in pain daily. My pain would rotate from my knee, to my lower leg, then alternate feet. This went on for months and I wondered how to...
Preparing your body and mind - letting go of stress, anxiety, muscular tension and distracting thoughts - can help you be fully present with your horse. You'll communicate with your horse more clearly and be less likely to be side-tracked by negative thoughts and underlying...