Body, Mind, and Connection: Your Path to Suppleness, Confidence, and Harmony with Your Horse #86

#horsehumanconnection #horsemind #horsemovement #humanmind #humanmovement debono moves feldenkrais method Aug 06, 2024

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Body, Mind, and Connection. These are the three pillars that support a harmonious connection with your horse. In this episode, you'll learn why - and how to strengthen those pillars. 

Unlock your potential as an equestrian with the Move with Your Horse Foundations program, a transformative 10-week journey starting on August 12, 2024.

Experience profound improvements in your movement, posture, and connection with your horse through live classes, recorded lessons, and personalized support—all grounded in the powerful Feldenkrais Method.

Remember, you and your horse deserve to feel great. Together!


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