More Flexible Knees: A Mindful Approach to Easier Movement for YOU #30

canine feldenkrais method knee pain knee stiffness knees Jul 30, 2024

💥Watch your FREE video for more flexible knees! 💥

Ever wonder how you can enjoy more active time with your dog despite physical discomfort? This episode promises to teach you a gentle yet transformative approach to movement, inspired by the Feldenkrais Method. Learn how to enhance the flexibility of your knees and improve your overall movement, making activities like hiking, running, or playing with your dog more comfortable and enjoyable. We share insights on mindful movement, emphasizing how paying attention to your body can reduce strain on your joints and prevent wear and tear.

Tune in for a special seven-and-a-half-minute video lesson that focuses on learning how to move better rather than performing rote exercises. This inclusive lesson is designed for people of all ages and abilities. No need to opt-in—just click the link in the description and start your journey towards better movement and well-being. Remember, you and your dog deserve to feel great. Together. Thank you for joining this short but impactful episode, and stay tuned for more tips and insights to help you and your furry friend live a healthier, happier life.


💥Watch your FREE video for more flexible knees! 💥

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All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare provider if you or your dog are unwell or injured. 



Hi. One of the things I hear a lot about is people will tell me that they wish they could do more with their dog. So, for example, they want to do more hiking, more running, more playing with their dog, but they have their own physical difficulties that make it challenging, make it uncomfortable for them to do that, or downright impossible. So today, in this very short episode, I wanted to just give you a little resource.

It's actually a seven and a half minute video lesson. I say lesson, not exercise, because it uses. It's inspired by the Feldenkrais method, which is all about learning how to move in a better way rather than doing rote exercise. It's very gentle, and people of virtually all ages and abilities can know, can use this, this little seven and a half minute mini exercise. Now, I do want to say if you have any movement difficulty, any pain, any discomfort, please don't do it.

And like with any movement program, it's better to ask your physician if you should do it before you start. But in any event, this is a seven, five minute, very gentle movement lesson that I'd like to give you. And the focus is about having more flexible knees, because that is one of the biggest issues that people tell me they're dealing with, that their knees hurt. So again, whether they're walking their dog, maybe they want to run or hike or do something else.

Often the knees hold them back. So if this is you, or even if it's not, even if you just want to have, you know, want to enhance the, the beautiful movement you already have. Right. It's. And even though I say this is about flexible knees, it actually is a whole body approach. And you'll see when you do the video that it's all about using your entire body to flex and extend the knee joints, it's not just about the knees.

When we focus just on a body part, that body part tends to get overworked. So when you learn how to use your entire body to distribute effort of movement, then the strain is often greatly reduced from the joints. So it's a really nice little gentle, kind of meditative little movement lesson, and I hope you enjoy it. So what it'll be is I'll just put the link in the description.

So wherever you're, like the show notes, if you're watching this on YouTube, wherever you're seeing this, the link to the more flexible knees video will be in the description. Okay. But I just want to say something else. When you're playing with your dog, when you're walking your dog, doing anything like that, really just take some time. Use some of your attention to focus on yourself and how you can move more mindfully and start to notice differences in your movement, like how your right foot contacts the ground as opposed to your left.

Because over time, those little differences can actually create a lot of, for example, wear and tear damage. So I always say small things become big things. So start to slow down and notice things. Okay? And we'll talk more about this in upcoming episodes because youre a freedom of movement is so important, and it will also, it will also help kind of train your brain so you can notice more about your dog.

Right? So. So there's always a win win. You know me, I always want the win win. I want you and your dog to feel better, to move more easily, all that good stuff, because you and your dog deserve to feel great together. So again, this was just a super short episode. So to recap, there'll be a video. You don't even need to opt in for it. I'll just have a direct link to it.

I'd encourage you to do that if it's safe and comfortable for you to do. Don't do anything that causes discomfort or any anxiety. It's just very, very gentle and mindful movements. And whenever you're interacting with your dog, take some time to notice yourself, notice your feelings of ease, and ask where you can reduce unnecessary effort. This will help you and will also help your dog. And it also train your brain to start to notice more things so you're in a better position.

You're better skilled at helping your dog as well. So thank you so much for joining me on this little shorty episode. I really appreciate you and I can't wait to share more with you again. I'll talk to you very soon. Bye for now.